(Note: If your computer has multiple drives, Windows may ask you if you’d like to erase those other drives as well, or only erase the drive where Windows is installed.When you encounters errors that impossible to fix, it’s time to reset the whole Windows operating system: refresh your Windows OS like a new installation, without any apps or user data. It will write over any of the data on the drive, making it harder for someone to recover any of your old data. You'll have the option to "just remove my files" or "remove files and clean drive." Again, the latter will be the more secure option, if you plan on selling your computer or giving it away. To start the reset, select "Remove everything" or "Keep my files," depending on why you’re performing the factory reset. To get to the tool, you need to perform a factory reset by choosing Troubleshoot > Reset this PC in the Advanced startup tool. On the next startup, your computer should go into the Advanced startup tool. This is done by powering up the computer then holding the power button to shut it down before it fully boots. However, if your computer isn’t booting into Windows properly, you can reach the Advanced startup tool by power-cycling your computer instead. Your computer will reboot and take you to the Advanced startup tool. If you can, press the on-screen power button, and while holding the Shift key, press the restart button. You have two ways to access the the Advanced startup tool.įind out if your computer starts up, and you can get to the Windows log-in screen. Step one: Access the Advanced startup tool. Image Credit: Microsoft (Image credit: Microsoft) The result will be the same as the above method, but the way to get there will be slightly different. We have an alternate route for you to factory reset Windows 10 and your machine. If you can't log on to Windows 10 computer, don’t panic. (Note: If your computer has multiple drives, Windows may ask whether you want to erase them as well, or whether you want to erase only the drive where Windows is installed.) Performing a factory reset without logging in If you're selling or recycling your computer, you must choose this option. The latter option is more secure, as it reduces the chances of someone recovering the data from your computer.

You'll have the option to simply remove everything using the "Just remove my files" option, or to have Windows also wipe the drive using the "Remove files and clean drive." If you chose to remove everything, Windows will prompt you one more time.

Once you’ve selected the option you want, Windows will prepare the reset. (Note: Make sure your computer is charging, as Windows 10 may not start a reset if the device isn't plugged in.)